Terms and Conditions
This is a legal agreement between you and SimpulKasih. By using this www.simpulkasih.com and its respective mobile apps, you agree to the following Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions then you are not authorized to use or access these services. The application form is a contractual offer by you to us subject to these Terms and Conditions and no others. This document (‘The Membership Terms and Conditions’) sets out the relationship between you and SimpulKasih, to which you are expressly agreeing to once you accept the Membership Terms and Conditions.
You affirm that you are over 18 years old and have not lied or cheated in any way shape or form in order to use this website. Anyone found to be using the SimpulKasih services under the age of 18 will be banned immediately without refund and your IP address will also be banned.
The SimpulKasih services are for the use of helping you find a spouse in a halal manner. If you are the parent or wali of a sister, you MAY create an account on behalf of your child WITH THEIR PERMISSION. You may NOT create multiple accounts for yourself. Any member found with more than one account can be banned permanently without a refund.
SimpulKasih is intended solely for individual member personal use and not for commercial or business purposes. If you are a business entity or commercial concern, your presence on our services is not allowed unless it is expressly authorized in writing by SimpulKasih. SimpulKasih pursues vigorous legal action against unauthorized login by business and commercial entities.